Small Candy Dish III

BY  J. & L. Lobmeyr

$315 USD

The fine Austrian glassware maker J. & L. Lobmeyr was founded in Vienna in 1823 by Joseph Lobmeyr, and is now in its sixth generation as a family business. Lobmeyr glasses are still mouth blown, cut, engraved and polished by hand. The Candy Dish was designed by the Austrian architect Oswald Haerdtls, and was first made for the presentation at the "Exposition des Arts Décoratifs" in Paris in 1925. It still charms with its lightness and elegant lines. 

Gentle washing by hand is highly recommended.

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About J. & L. Lobmeyr

The fine Austrian glassware maker J. & L. Lobmeyr was founded in Vienna in 1823 by Joseph Lobmeyr, who became Purveyor to the Imperial Court. Lobmeyr is now in its sixth generation as a family business. A love of the material, the emotional relationship with the product and the commitment of personal energy has defined each generation that left its trace. Lobmeyr glasses are still mouthblown, cut, engraved and polished by hand; every product is handled with the care of at least 18 hands during production. As the company focuses on the contemporary interpretation of glass, it never stops cultivating its heritage. The old inspires the new, and traditional know-how facilitates innovation.

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