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Maggie Wells
New York, New York

Maggie Wells is known for the warmth and texture of her boldly shaped handbuilt stoneware sculpture.  Starting each piece with a sketch she then uses the coiling technique, imbued with the human touch for an effect that is playful and intentionally unrefined.  For her distinctive surfaces, she chooses from two finishes: terra sigillata, which shrinks in the bisque fire and produces a crackled surface and majolica with a shiny glazed finish.  An avid painter since the 60s with a degree in painting from RISD, Maggie has an eye for composition and form – in her words, “ I am constantly turning the piece to make a form that is interesting from all angles…thus the experience of looking at them can always be refreshed.”

Artist Video Courtesy of 'Scenes from the Studio', Robin Cameron & Wilson Cameron


THE HAND AND EYE VIDEO SERIES Maggie Wells - Scenes from the Studio
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